Ionising radiation medicals

To cover regulatory requirements and the employee’s health needs under the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017, the following is included:


Face-to-face review (once every 5 years / on worker’s request / if there is a clinical indication)


●        Up to 30 minute appointment with a HSE Appointed Doctor with experience in assessing workers exposed to (+/- overexposed to) ionising radiation.

●        Detailed discussion of radiation exposure

●        Health risk assessment

●        Skin examination of exposed areas (usually hands, arms, face) if the work involves unsealed sources

●        Lung examination if the work involves the use of respiratory apparatus

●        Counselling and advice to individuals regarding medical aspects of their work with IR

●        Assessment of medical fitness to work with IR

●        Completion of Health Record

●        Communication with the worker’s GP / HSE medical adviser if required (e.g. overexposure)

●        Reminder sent to the worker when their next IR medical is due (11 months after the original appointment)

Paper-based review (interim reviews if no other concerns arise)


●       Analysis and interpretation of recorded doses of radiation exposure

●       Review of sickness absence record and any medical concerns brought to the attention of the Appointed Doctor

●       Review of any change in duties since the last assessment

●        Assessment of medical fitness to work with IR

●        Completion of Health Record

●       Escalation to a F2F appointment if required ( surcharge applicable)

●        Reminder sent to the worker when their next IR medical is due (11 months after the original appointment)


In line with the IRR17 Regulations and HSE guidance, the Appointed Doctor is required to liaise with the employer to ensure that they understand the nature of the work being done and the hazards/risks associated with exposure to IR in that work and the employer should permit the Appointed Doctor to view the workplace. This should take place prior to the Appointed Doctor starting medical surveillance for ionising radiation. The price of the visit is bespoke to the requirements (length of the visit needed, travel time) and can incorporate the first face-to-face assessments on-site, if the employer has adequate premises for this.


The HSE requires classified workers to have a medical every year more frequently, if indicated.