About us

Consultant led Occupational Health services in the East Midlands.

Sereg OccMed Ltd. offers bespoke occupational health solutions to companies of all sizes to help achieve our shared vision of a healthier workforce and improved productivity. 

We tailor our services to your business needs to help you to protect the health of your employees and optimise work ability. Working with us will also assist you to comply with your legislative requirements. 

Meet Dr Sereg


  • Management Referrals

    Optimise health, attendance and performance by considering work adjustments.

  • Asbestos medicals

    Statutory lung health assessment for licenced and non-licenced asbestos workers.

  • Custom Additions icon

    Ionising radiation medicals

    Statutory assessment for classified workers.

  • Comprehensive OH consultacy services for organisations

    Working together from day-to-day management referrals through establishing health surveillance programmes to workforce health policy and procedure writing, governance and more.

What Our Clients Say

  • "The Dr listened and gave good advice about my condition and its effects"

    Patient feedback

  • "Thoroughly pleased with the services and support provided by Dr Sereg. She is approachable, responds to queries in a timely manner and is always available to support the team, service and processes."

  • "Compassionate and professional"

    Patient feedback

  • "Dr Sereg will also complete additional work for us at short notice if she is able to within the day she spends with us on-site fortnightly"

  • "Very calm and professional"

    Patient feedback

  • "Dr Sereg's patients always seem satisfied with t assessment that they receive when they leave after their appointments although I might have observed them being nervous prior when waiting to see her."